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Monologue: The House of Bernarda Alba

El Bastion
C. de San Sebastián
Old San Juan, 00901 Puerto Rico

“La casa de Bernarda Alba” is a play with 16 characters on stage (characters with their own phrase), all of them female. Strictly speaking, this seems to indicate that 16 actresses are necessary to bring Lorca’s work to the stage. However, not all the characters in “The House of Bernarda Alba” have the same importance. We could say that there are two categories of characters. On the one hand, the category of the main characters -Bernarda Alba, her daughters and Poncia- and, on the other hand, the category of secondary characters -ranging from Bernarda’s mother to the last of the women in mourning, passing through the maid Both categories, with a marked difference in prominence. And this explains the variety of casts that make up the productions of “La casa de Bernarda Alba”.

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