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Festival Videodanza de Puerto Rico

Museo de San Juan
150 C. Norzagaray 3er piso, San Juan
Old San Juan, 00901 Puerto Rico

We, Festival Videodanza de Puerto Rico, are expanding in 2024 to include VR/360 dance films and hybrid choreographic tech-art under our new strand I.D.E.ALL™️. We support screen-dance artists with Cortos y Criollos™️, focused on Puerto Rican and resident artists. Led by Ana Sánchez-Colberg, our team includes international experts like Javier de Frutos and Pioneer Winter. Submissions are accepted monthly via FilmFreeway, with confirmation within the month. Selected videos will be screened in San Juan, PR, alongside seminars, artist meetups, and workshops. We seek diverse, innovative work exploring the future of dance and technology. All genres and movement styles are welcome. Festival Videodanza de Puerto Rico is an initiative of Vision.AI.R-e, Inc.

+1 787 618 8068

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