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Witness History at the Battle of 1797 Reenactment

Castillo San Cristobal
501 Calle Norzagaray
San Juan, 00901 Puerto Rico

Mark your calendars for April 26th to April 28th, 2024, as this year’s annual reenactment is just around the corner.

For the past few years, we’ve been regular attendees at this event, and it’s been quite the experience! Even if you’ve explored Old San Juan, El Morro, or Fort San Cristobal before, visiting during the reenactment weekend offers a whole new perspective. Witnessing men and women adorned in period uniforms and attire, faithfully recreating customs of the era, adds a dynamic layer to the historic forts. From firing weapons to marching in formation, their dedication truly brings history to life. While capturing stunning photos is inevitable, engaging in conversations with the participants remains the highlight of this immersive experience.

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